When the digestive and elimination systems are not properly working to rid the body of this accumulating putrefactive build-up in the colon,
the resulting toxins are then absorbed from the colon into the bloodstream, and are carried back into every part of the body. This process of
self-poisoning is known as "auto-intoxication".
In a nutshell, because of intestinal stasis, the body ends up chronically poisoning itself with it' s own wastes and toxins instead of carrying out its designed purpose of eliminating them.
Black Seed Bitter's remarkable health benefits as part of your daily diet is to prevent and relieve auto-intoxication, constipation and poor bowel movement. Black Seed Bitters detox beverage has no side effects.
$22.00 (16 Ounce Bottle) Plus $6.50 Shipping and Handling